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  • Writer's pictureAtanas Bogoev M.D. and Maria Cholakova

Answers to Odd Questions About Eyes You Might Have

While most of us take our vision for granted, it's fascinating to delve deeper into the complexities of the eye. Today we are tackling some of the most peculiar, thought-provoking, and odd questions about eyes that might have crossed your mind.

So, join us as we traverse through the depths of ocular wonders, debunk common myths, and shed light on enigmatic eye facts.

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The Odd Questions About Eyes & Their Answers

Are you curious about the reasons behind certain visual phenomena? Or intrigued by the peculiarities of visual perception, this article aims to quench your thirst for knowledge. Our goal is to leave you with a newfound appreciation for the marvels of human vision.

Can you sneeze with your eyes open?

Technically, you can sneeze with your eyes open. Medically, that's not advisable!

Sneezing is a reflex action that involves the muscles in your chest, throat, and face. When you sneeze, your face muscles contract. That is when your eyes close involuntarily to protect them from debris or irritants expelled from your nose and mouth.

It is possible to override this reflex by consciously keeping your eyes open while sneezing. However, it can be uncomfortable and potentially harmful. Better let your body's natural reflexes take over. When you feel a sneeze coming on, close your eyes to protect them.

Why do we have two eyes?

Having two eyes is beneficial and provides evolutionary advantages for several reasons.

First, having two eyes allows depth perception. This ability is essential for spatial awareness and navigating the environment around us. Each eye perceives a slightly different image, which the brain processes to create a three-dimensional image.

Second, having two eyes provides redundancy in case one eye loses sight or is injured or compromised. This redundancy can help ensure that a person can still see and function even if one eye is affected. Finally, having two eyes allows for a wider field of vision. It helps detect potential dangers or threats in the environment.

Overall, the advantages of having two eyes progressed over time through evolution. Allowing organisms with binocular vision a survival advantage over those with monocular vision.

Can you change your eye color naturally?

No. It is generally impossible to change your eye color naturally. Eye color depends on the amount and type of pigment present in the iris (the colorful part of the eye).

Quite often, babies are born with blue eyes, but that is because the iris has not yet developed enough melanin. As a baby grows and develops, the amount of melanin in the iris may increase, resulting in a change in eye color. This process occurs within the first year of life, although it may continue for up to three or four years.

While some people may experience minor changes in their eye color due to aging, certain medications, or medical conditions, such changes are usually temporary. They do not result in a significant or permanent eye color change.

Please note that clouding in the eye is a symptom of serious underlying eye conditions. If you start noticing visual changes in your eye coloration, go for a comprehensive eye exam immediately.

Even though natural eye color change is impossible, there are artificial methods available like color contact lenses.

To be fully comprehensive, iris implant surgery is also an option. But it is dangerous, unsafe, and illegal in many countries. There are risks and complications associated with it, including vision loss, inflammation, infection, and cornea damage. Moreover, the long-term effects of iris implant surgery are not fully known, so we strongly advise against it.

odd eye questions

Do blind people dream?

Yes, blind people do dream. However, the content of their dreams may differ from those of people with normal vision. A blind individual's brain relies on other senses such as touch, sound, taste, and smell to create dream experiences.

For people who were born blind, their dreams may not contain any visual imagery since they have never experienced vision. Instead, their dreams depend on their active senses and perceptions (sounds, smells, and tactile sensations).

On the other hand, people who became blind later in life may experience visual imagery in their dreams. Particularly if they already knew what 'seeing' was like. In this case, their brain may still generate visuals using their memories and previous experiences, even though they are currently unable to see.

Overall, the experience of dreaming for blind people is complex. It may vary depending on a range of factors, including the type and severity of their visual impairment.

Can your eyes pop out of your head?

In some extremely rare cases of severe trauma, the eyes can pop out of their sockets. However, this is an ophthalmology emergency and not a common occurrence.

Everyday activities or minor injuries are highly unlikely to cause the eyes to pop out. The human body has several protective mechanisms in place to prevent such occurrences. The eyes are well-anchored within the skull for their protection.

Can you get a black eye from sneezing?

No, you cannot get a black eye from sneezing alone.

A black eye (periorbital hematoma), typically occurs due to trauma or injury to the area around the eye, causing bleeding under the skin. For instance, a punch to the face, a fall, or other forms of injury when blood vessels are breaking and blood is pooling beneath the skin around the eye.

Sneezing is a reflexive action involving the respiratory system and it does NOT generate enough force to cause a black eye.

Why do some people have different colored eyes?

Different-colored eyes (heterochromia), occur for a variety of reasons, both genetic and acquired. There are two main types:

  • Complete Heterochromia

  • Sectoral or Partial Heterochromia

In complete heterochromia, one eye is a completely different color from the other. This type of heterochromia is often genetic and can be present from birth. It occurs due to variations in the distribution and amount of pigment (melanin) in the iris of each eye.

In partial heterochromia, only a portion of one eye is a different color from the rest of the iris. This can also be congenital and is typically due to variations in melanin distribution within the same iris.

Heterochromia is not typically associated with health problems. However, acquired heterochromia (not from birth) may occur due to external factors like injury, inflammation (uveitis), systemic disease, medications (including some eyedrops), or other underlying health conditions.


Can staring at a computer screen damage your eyes?

Staring at a computer screen for long periods can lead to a range of eye discomfort and vision issues. But the good news is, it is not likely to cause permanent damage to your eyes. The most common problems with screens are digital eye strain (computer vision syndrome) and discomfort.

Can you see through your eyelids?

No. Human eyelids consist of skin and muscle to cover and protect the eyes. When you close your eyes or your eyelids are down, they create a barrier that blocks light from entering the eyes. Some people can experience very faint patterns of light or color, especially if there is external light or pressure on the eyelids. This phenomenon is known as "phosphenes" and results from the stimulation of the photoreceptor cells in the retina.

What causes eye floaters?

Eye floaters are tiny specks, spots, or thread-like shapes that seem to "float" in your field of vision. They are more noticeable when you look at a plain background or a well-lit area. Typically, they are temporary. Only in more severe cases floaters are long-term or persistent.

Here are some common causes of floaters:

  • Vitreous syneresis from aging

  • Posterior vitreous detachment (PVD)

  • Eye inflammation or infection

  • Eye injuries

  • Retinal tears or detachments

  • Nearsightedness (myopia)

Can you see someone's soul through their eyes?

As a health-focused website, we are unable to comment on philosophical or theological matters. While the eyes can reveal certain traits and characteristics such as eye color, and pupil size, and even show emotions, from a medical standpoint they convey no information about a person's soul or spiritual essence.

Why do our eyes water when we yawn?

Tearing during yawning is typically a natural and harmless body response.

When you yawn, your eyes may water as a reflexive response as it involves several physiological changes. For example, facial muscles contraction or/and eye closure which puts pressure on the lacrimal (tear) glands. Yawning also triggers a reflex stimulating the nerves controling tear production.

Can staring at the sun make you go blind?

Yes, staring at the sun potentially causes permanent eye damage, including blindness. That's because the sun emits intense and harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation.

When you stare at the sun, the intense light can overwhelm the retina and cause solar retinopathy, damage to the cells of the retina. Symptoms are blurred eyesight, blind spots, and distortions of vision.

We urge you to wear sunglasses with UV protection and to avoid looking directly at the sun. Especially during events like solar eclipses when the sun's rays are even more intense.

solar eclipse

Can eye color change with mood?

No, eye color does not change with mood.

The genetics that dictate your eye pigmentation are generally stable during your lifetime. Some people may perceive changes in their eye shade under specific lighting conditions or due to variations in pupil size. But their iris never actually changes color.

Can your eyes change shape over time?

The shape of your eyes remains relatively stable.

However, there are certain factors and conditions which may cause temporary or permanent changes in the appearance of your eyes. Those include aging, weight changes, eye conditions, injuries, eye surgeries, eyelid surgeries, and cosmetic interventions.

Can a person have different eye prescriptions in each eye?

Yes, it is quite common for a person to have different eye prescriptions in each eye (anisometropia). The condition occurs when one eye has a significantly different refractive error (prescription) than the other eye.

Eye doctors often prescribe corrective lenses, eyeglasses or contact lenses, to address anisometropia. They provide clear vision by compensating for the differing prescriptions in each eye. Laser and refractive surgery is also an option to reduce or eliminate the prescription in one or both eyes.

Can you tell if someone is lying by looking into their eyes?

While some popular beliefs and stereotypes are suggesting you can tell if someone is lying by looking into their eyes, the reality is much more complex. You won't be able to reliably determine if someone is deceiving solely by looking at their eyes.

Why do we close our eyes when we kiss?

There is no medically accurate answer to this question. Overall, closing eyes while kissing is a way to enhance the sensory experience, create intimacy, and connect with a partner on a deeper level.

Can the size of your eyes affect your vision?

Yes, the size of your eyes, specifically the axial length, can affect your vision. A longer axial length is linked to nearsightedness (myopia), while a shorter axial length contributes to farsightedness (hyperopia). Additionally, irregular eye shape or eyelid position can also impact vision acuity and diopters.

Can crying too much make you go blind?

No. Crying is nothing but a harmless, natural and healthy emotional response, involving the production of tears. Crying excessively, even for long periods, does NOT lead to permanent blindness. However, it can cause temporary discomfort and eye redness.

Learn more about eye care and eye health in our ophthalmology blog.

Checked by Atanas Bogoev, MD.


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