Ophthalmology is one of the most rapidly growing fields in medicine, so keeping up-to-date knowledge is basically a must. One of the ways for ophthalmology residents and young ophthalmologists to improve their skills is through a clinical observership and observership grants.
Observerships allow individuals to meet experienced ophthalmologists, observe surgeries, learn crucial diagnostic skills, gain a different experience, and get to know how top experts our the field think and make decisions. We are lucky to live in times where so many ophthalmology societies and organizations provide the opportunity for observership grants for young doctors in the field of eye care.
In this article, I will share the different ophthalmology observership grant opportunities, list the application criteria and summarize the provided benefits. I will also provide thorough information on how to apply for these grants and what to consider when choosing a grant program.
EURETINA Observership Grants
Grant amount:
Period of Observership
4 to 6 weeks
Number of Observership Grants:
Up to 10 annually
Eligibility Criteria
Trainees in at least their final year of residency or have finished their residency less than 5 years prior to the time of application
Currently training in a specialized retinal unit or university hospital in a European country
Current EURETINA members
Application Requirements
Current CV
Letter of intent
Letter of support from the head of the department
Application Timeline
Submissions open on 07 November 2022. The application deadline is 20 January 2023.
European Board of Ophthalmology (EBO) Observership Grants
Grant amount:
Period of Observership
4 to 6 weeks
Number of Observership Grants:
40 Educational Exchange Grants
Eligibility Criteria
Residents from European Countries
Application Requirements
General information about the applicant
You must get a letter of recommendation from your head of department
Application Timeline (2023)
Grant Application Opens on 05. October 2022, the application deadline is 05 December 2022
List of Exchange Centers
Additional Notes
Applicants in their final year of residency will be prioritized for selection
Applicants who already won EBO (& SOE) will NOT be considered.
International Society of Refractive Surgery (ISRS) Externships
Grant amount
The grant covers all approved expenses (for example flights, transportation, accommodation, and meals).
Period of Observership
2 Weeks - 3 Months
Eligibility Criteria
Applicants must be ISRS Members
Application Requirements
General Information about the applicant
Application Deadline
Fall 2022
Application Centers
South America, Asia, Europe, Latin America, Africa, and the Middle East
Additional Notes
ISRS Externship Program is sponsored in part by Alcon, Johnson & Johnson Vision, and Lansier.
Contact for questions
European Society of Ophthalmology (SOE) Observership Grants
Grant amount
Period of Observership
Minimum of 2-4 weeks
Number of Observership Grants
2-3 Observership Grants per year from each East European country
Eligibility Criteria:
Applicants must be ophthalmology residents from East European countries
Applicants must NOT contact the clinic or hospital they wish to visit prior to or during the application process.
Application Requirements
Applicants must apply for the SOE Resident Educational Grant and will be notified if they are selected to contact the clinics or hospitals they wish to visit
List of Exchange Centers
Application Timeline
The deadline for Application is fall 2022
European Glaucoma Society (EGS) Observership Grants
Grant amount
Period of Observership
4 weeks
Eligibility Criteria
Young ophthalmologist or ophthalmology resident
Your workplace and residence should be in Europe
Interest in glaucoma
Application Requirements
Fill in an online form to apply for EGS observership grants
Application Timeline
Always available
Application centers
Additional Notes
The idea of the travel grants is to support an observership, which may subsequently lead to a fellowship. The listed above centers also accept EGS Fellowships. EGS allowed other centers to be selected for the EGS Observership program. Make sure to put an accent in
European School for Advanced Studies in Ophthalmology (ESASO) Observership Program
Grant amount
Period of Observership
4 Weeks
Eligibility Criteria
This program is restricted to those participating in an ESASO module organized by ESASO Lugano campus.
Application Requirements
After attending and completing an ESASO Education module, the best participants are offered to do an observership in the course subspecialty.
Application Timeline
All year
Observership Grants Notes
The ESASO Courses cost about 1300 CHF to attend not including accommodation, meals and transportation
I have to share from personal experience, ophthalmology observerships are truly a unique opportunity. They allow residents and young ophthalmologists to gain experience, expand their international contacts and improve their skills under the guidance of experienced ophthalmologists.
The various observership grants opportunities provided by ophthalmology societies and organizations, such as EURETINA, EBO, ISRS, SOE, EGS, and ESASO, encourage you to take advantage of this great opportunity while helping financially.
I would highly recommend once you think a certain program is the one you do the following things: - Research it thoroughly, and read all about it, including the reports of the people who went through the program. - Contact colleague ophthalmologists, who already went through the Observership
I believe that pursuing an observership can be an important step in your career development. It can push you forward, contributing to the growth and advancement of young ophthalmologists in the field as a whole.
Message from Atanas Bogoev, M.D.:
Leave a comment below or e-mail me other educational opportunities in ophthalmology and I will add them here for everyone (and will give you credit for it)! Thank you! ophthalmologytwentyfour@gmail.com